Author: ichrom

I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Yogyakarta, a crowded city of Indonesia. I am promoting for whatsapp

1 30 31 32 33 34 320 / 338 POSTS
New Year, New Learning Platform: Clinical Education Alliance Launches Clinical Care Solutions, a New Centralized Resource for Busy Healthcare Professionals

New Year, New Learning Platform: Clinical Education Alliance Launches Clinical Care Solutions, a New Centralized Resource for Busy Healthcare Professionals

Clinical Education Alliance® (CEA) announced today the launch of Clinical Care Solutions (CCS), a new learning platform designed to support organizati [...]
Loan Interest Deferment To Improve Access To Medical Education

Loan Interest Deferment To Improve Access To Medical Education

The increasing cost of medical school has resulted in a heavy debt burden for many wishing to enter the medical profession. Without doubt, medical sch [...]
RSUI dan JICA Jalin Kerja Sama Rumah Sakit Tanggap Covid-19

RSUI dan JICA Jalin Kerja Sama Rumah Sakit Tanggap Covid-19

Jakarta - Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia (RSUI) menjalin kerja sama dengan Badan Kerja Sama Internasional Jepang atau lebih dikenal dengan nama [...]
Apakah mungkin WhatsApp® Memfasilitasi Masa Depan Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Praktik Klinis?

Apakah mungkin WhatsApp® Memfasilitasi Masa Depan Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Praktik Klinis?

Sebagai bagian dari generasi modern, gawai dan aplikasinya tidak terpisahkan dari mahasiswa kedokteran. Salah satunya adalah pesan aplikasi instan [...]
How this New York medical school boosted diversity by 45%

How this New York medical school boosted diversity by 45%

Eliminating medical student-loan burdens for future physicians with financial needs can create a more diverse medical school applicant pool, student b [...]
Medical education: Disruptive change and unintended consequences

Medical education: Disruptive change and unintended consequences

The medical education system based on principles advocated by Flexner and Osler has produced generations of scientifically grounded and clinically ski [...]
Revisi UU Pendidikan Kedokteran Komitmen Organisasi Kesehatan Nasional

Revisi UU Pendidikan Kedokteran Komitmen Organisasi Kesehatan Nasional

Jakarta: Revisi Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 20 Tahun 2013 tentang Pendidikan Kedokteran disebut sebagai komitmen bersama fraksi di DPR dan sejumlah organ [...]
RS Universitas Kedokteran Asahikawa Jepang Pecat Direktur karena Bocorkan Pernyataan Presdir

RS Universitas Kedokteran Asahikawa Jepang Pecat Direktur karena Bocorkan Pernyataan Presdir

TOKYO - Seorang direktur Rumah Sakit Universitas Kedokteran Asahikawa di Hokkaido Jepang dipecat per 25 Januari lalu karena membocorkan ucapan preside [...]
ULM bawa tim dokter dan psikolog ke lokasi banjir Kalsel

ULM bawa tim dokter dan psikolog ke lokasi banjir Kalsel

"Ada juga bantuan yang diberikan mainan anak-anak yang diharapkan dapat membantu anak-anak korban banjir untuk sejenak melupakan kesedihannya di tenga [...]
Global Medical Education Market and Competition Forecast to 2030 –

Global Medical Education Market and Competition Forecast to 2030 –

The "Medical Education Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2020-2030" report has been added to Researc [...]
1 30 31 32 33 34 320 / 338 POSTS