Category: Berita
Mahasiswa Kedokteran Sekarang Sudah Tak Bisa Praktik di RS Lagi?
Jakarta - Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) Ari Fahrial Syam menyampaikan bahwa fakultas kedokteran masih dapat mengirimkan mahas [...]
4 docs, one medical student die of Covid
Four doctors and a third year Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) student died of Covid in the state in the past 24 hours. The Covid fatalities continue [...]
Venezuelan students demand vaccination plan amid spike in COVID-19 cases
Scores of Venezuelan healthcare students protested Tuesday in front of Caracas’ University Hospital demanding a national vaccination plan and 100% vac [...]
French medical students at breaking point on Covid frontline with rise in suicides, union says
FRENCH hospital interns are at breaking point after a year on the Covid front line and a number of them have committed suicide, a union representi [...]
Future doctors splitting time between class and clinics, volunteering to lead vaccination efforts
Students say they never imagined they'd go through medical school during a global pandemic. But they're taking it in stride and volunteering for five [...]
Curriculum emphasizes medical student and physician mental health
If there’s one takeaway pearl that Ruchi M. Fitzgerald, MD, hopes her students and residents receive during their rotations, it is that treatment save [...]
RSUD A Dadi Tjokrodipo Pemkot Jadi Rumah Sakit Pendidikan FK Unila
Bandarlampung - Wali Kota Bandarlampung Eva Dwiana menyambut baik keinginan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lampung (FK Unila) Dr Dyah Wulan [...]
AMC Ubah Status Jadi RSU Kelas D
YOGYA, – ASRI Medical Centre (AMC) kini telah ‘naik kelas’ dari status sebagai Klinik Utama menjadi Rumah Sakit Umum dengan klasifikasi Kelas D. Peru [...]
Fakultas Kedokteran Uncen Sudah Mencetak 700 Dokter
Jayapura, – Auditorium Universitas Cenderawasih, Papua ramai pada Rabu, 31 Maret 2021. Sebanyak 69 mahasiswa kedokteran telah menuntaskan studi me [...]
Wali Kota Medan dan Rektor UISU Tandatangani Nota Kesepahaman di Bidang Pendidikan
MEDAN– Walikota Medan Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution SE MM dan Rektor Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU) Dr Yanhar Jamaluddin menandatangani Nota K [...]