Author: admin

I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Yogyakarta, a crowded city of Indonesia. I am promoting for whatsapp

1 26 27 28 29 30 39 280 / 382 POSTS
Kemauan Menjadi Relawan dan Kesiapan Praktik Mahasiswa S1 Kedokteran Selama Pandemi COVID-19: Survei Lintas Bagian di Indonesia

Kemauan Menjadi Relawan dan Kesiapan Praktik Mahasiswa S1 Kedokteran Selama Pandemi COVID-19: Survei Lintas Bagian di Indonesia

Keterlibatan mahasiswa kedokteran dalam membantu menangani kasus COVID-19 di pusat kesehatan masih menjadi sesuatu yang dipertanyakan. Sejumlah peneli [...]
Desain, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi Kerangka Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh untuk Mempercepat Pendidikan Kedokteran selama pandemi COVID-19

Desain, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi Kerangka Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh untuk Mempercepat Pendidikan Kedokteran selama pandemi COVID-19

Pandemi COVID-19 membuat fakultas kedokteran untuk menangguhkan sesi tatap muka di kampus dan beralih ke pembelajaran daring secara jarak jauh. Perges [...]
Doctors Without Borders closing the borders on Pre-Med students

Doctors Without Borders closing the borders on Pre-Med students

Doctors Without Borders is the ultimate stepping stone for prospective doctors looking to pave a fruitful medicine future. It is the dream of every pr [...]
Fewer rural students applying to medical school

Fewer rural students applying to medical school

This decrease could lead to fewer doctors in less populated areas of the country Rural America is running short on physicians. This worri [...]
COVID-19’s emotional impact: Medical students cope with isolation

COVID-19’s emotional impact: Medical students cope with isolation

First- and second-year students share how the lack of personal contact with peers and professors takes a toll. Faculty and fellow classmates are helpi [...]
FSU College of Medicine students match to residency training programs

FSU College of Medicine students match to residency training programs

Graduating medical students from the Florida State University College of Medicine recently matched to residency programs across the country in many di [...]
Over 200 Queen’s University medical students volunteer to administer COVID-19 vaccines

Over 200 Queen’s University medical students volunteer to administer COVID-19 vaccines

Over the past month, more than 200 Queen’s University medical students volunteered to help get vaccine doses out of the fridge, and into the arms of p [...]
Harus Ada Langkah Konkret, Tak Hanya Berhenti pada Retorika

Harus Ada Langkah Konkret, Tak Hanya Berhenti pada Retorika

Hari ini, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya memasuki usia kelima. Hal ini sesuai dengan SK Kemenristekdikti No 124/KPT/1/2016. [...]
KBRI Havana Jajaki Kerja Sama Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia-Kuba

KBRI Havana Jajaki Kerja Sama Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia-Kuba

Duta Besar Republik Indonesia (Dubes RI) di Havana, Nana Yuliana, melakukan pertemuan dengan Rektor Universidad Ciencias Medical (UCM) Carlos J Finlay [...]
Kesehatan Global di Garda Depan:  Kegiatan Elektif Mahasiswa Kedokteran yang Inovatif yang Menggabungkan Pendidikan dan Pelayanan Selama Pandemi COVID-19

Kesehatan Global di Garda Depan: Kegiatan Elektif Mahasiswa Kedokteran yang Inovatif yang Menggabungkan Pendidikan dan Pelayanan Selama Pandemi COVID-19

Pandemi COVID-19 telah mengubah dasar pendidikan kedokteran di seluruh dunia. Untuk menjamin keselamatan mahasiswa, mencegah transmisi penyakit berkel [...]
1 26 27 28 29 30 39 280 / 382 POSTS